Scrolling phone的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們挖掘到下列精選懶人包

Scrolling phone的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Grant, Jennifer寫的 Dimming the Day: Evening Meditations for Quiet Wonder 和Adam Alter的 Irresistible: Why We Can’t Stop Checking, Scrolling, Clicking and Watching都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Here's how scrolling through your phone before bed disrupts ...也說明:A recent study explores how scrolling through your mobile phone and its blue light makes it harder to fall asleep. It's widely believed that ...

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

元智大學 資訊傳播學系 黃怡錚、方文聘所指導 林靜成的 不同AR眼鏡閱讀模式時在戶外行走狀態下之研究 -以大學生為例 (2021),提出Scrolling phone關鍵因素是什麼,來自於AR眼鏡、閱讀模式、環境感知能力。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣師範大學 資訊工程學系 林均翰所指導 余亮言的 行動裝置上針對滑動操作之繪圖工作量調整節能技術 (2020),提出因為有 滑動操作、解析度縮放、幀率調控、使用者注意力的重點而找出了 Scrolling phone的解答。

最後網站Screentime can make you feel sick – here are ways to ...則補充:Or feel dizzy or nauseous after looking at your phone? While you might think ... remote learning and days spent endlessly scrolling online.


除了Scrolling phone,大家也想知道這些:

Dimming the Day: Evening Meditations for Quiet Wonder

為了解決Scrolling phone的問題,作者Grant, Jennifer 這樣論述:

The moon is out, the air has cooled, and you are ready for bed. You know that scrolling on your phone does not draw you toward sleep but adds to your worries. Power down your phone, take a breath, and begin to dim the day.Research suggests that we should refrain from screens at bedtime. But it ca

n be hard to give up social media and news without something to take its place. In these pages, author Jennifer Grant offers gentle meditations that help you direct your gaze away from screens and uncertainties and toward the natural world. Dimming the Day guides you to focus on the wonders of God’s

good earth, from the ordinary head of a dandelion to the exquisite beauty of a fractal.Replace anxiety with awe, distraction with focus, and worry with true rest. Calm your mind and settle into stillness. It is time to dim the day.

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不同AR眼鏡閱讀模式時在戶外行走狀態下之研究 -以大學生為例

為了解決Scrolling phone的問題,作者林靜成 這樣論述:

擴增實境(augmented reality)在近幾年,被廣泛應用在不同的領域之中,AR眼鏡的相關研究及應用層出不窮,大多研究都以AR眼鏡的閱讀理解及適用性為主,卻未討論到使用時的安全性問題,本文中將針對用戶在行走狀態下透過AR眼鏡閱讀來進行討論,並結合過去AR眼鏡中常用來進行閱讀行為的其中兩個顯示模式:快速序列視覺呈現(Rapid Serial Visual Presentation)、整頁顯示模式,以及提出了垂直滾動、跑馬燈等四種文字顯示模式,並且提出不同的播放模式,以了解何種顯示模式,對於行人在行走狀態下閱讀文字時,對其周遭環境察覺能力之影響,。本研究根據過往文獻參考,設計了行人在閱讀

AR眼鏡中內容時,對於周邊環境察覺的實驗,並邀請了208人參與實驗。 結果表明,垂直滾動、整頁顯示模式及手動播放模式,較適合於戶外行走時閱讀文字內容。

Irresistible: Why We Can’t Stop Checking, Scrolling, Clicking and Watching

為了解決Scrolling phone的問題,作者Adam Alter 這樣論述:

針對當代人類最迫切的研究與解方 揭發科技成癮的幕後成因 緩解成癮,甚至「反向成癮」 與科技共生的時代,商機與人類福祉一樣能一同繁榮   AMAZON 2017年3月最佳選書   AMAZON社群媒體類排行榜Top1   「彷彿為了證明他的論點般,亞當‧奧特撰寫了一本關於成癮的確實使人上癮的書。Irresistible引人入勝,是一本理解當代最堪憂現象的探索之書。」—《異數》《引爆趨勢》《以小勝大》作者麥爾坎.葛拉威爾(Malcolm Gladwell)   「這段時間內我讀過最迷人、最重要的書。奧特精湛的解釋控制我們生活的新困擾,並提供我們必須去拯救我們的企業、家庭與心智的技能。」

—《給予:華頓商學院最啟發人心的一堂課》《反叛,改變世界的力量》作者亞當‧格蘭特(Adam Grant)   歡迎來到行為成癮的時代,半數美國人都至少沉迷於一種行為的世代。我們心心念念於E-mail、IG與臉書的按讚;我們狂嗑電視影集與YouTube頻道;工作時數逐年增加;平均每日花費三小時使用智慧型手機。許多人手機壞掉就像丟了一切家當,而千禧年的小孩從小花費許多時間在螢幕前面,導致他們與真人的互動越顯吃力。   紐約大學心理學和行銷學教授亞當‧奧特(Adam Alter)追蹤行為成癮的興起,解釋為何今天的這些產品是如此不可抗拒。雖然諸多神奇的產品縮短了全球各地人們的距離,但有些巨大(有時

有害)的吸引力並非偶然出現。設計這些產品的公司隨著時間的推移調整它們,直到它們變得幾乎不可能抗拒。   透過反向成癮,作者解釋人們如何利用成癮性產品做些有益身心的事。改善彼此的溝通、消費與節省金錢、設定工作與娛樂之間的界線。以及如何減輕其最破壞性的影響。對我們下一代的健康與幸福及己身的福祉多多著想。   亞當‧奧特暨前作《粉紅色牢房效應:綁架想法、感受和行為的9種潛在力量》(Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces that Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave)之後,再度將心理學應用至生活之中,幫助我們更

有效地克服難題,擁抱人生。(文/博客來編譯)   An urgent and expert investigation into behavioral addiction, the insidious flipside to today’s unavoidable digital technologies, and how we can turn the tide to regain control.   In our lifetimes, behavioral addiction may prove to be one of the most important fields of so

cial, medical, and psychological research. The very idea of behaviors being addictive is new, but the threat is near universal. We are only just beginning to understand that we are all potential addicts. Adam Alter, Associate Professor of Marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business,

is at the cutting edge of research into what makes these products so compulsive, and he shows that the price for continuing blindly down the path we are on will be huge.   People have always formed addictions to harmful substances, but these days we are hooked on technologies such as Twitter, Netfl

ix, and Facebook—inventions and devices we use in the hope of making our lives better and more enjoyable. Of course, these devices have amazing upside, but their extraordinary appeal isn’t an accident. Technology companies and marketers have teams of engineers and researchers devoted to keeping us g

lued to the screen. They know how to push our buttons, how to get us using without our knowledge.   Tracing the very notion of addiction through history right up until the present day, Alter shows that we’re only just beginning to discover the tip of the iceberg of the epidemic of behavioral addict

ion gripping society. This goes to the core of who we are. He takes us inside the human brain at the very moment we switch on a game on our smartphones, or share a photo on Instagram in the hope of people “liking” it. But more than that, he heads the problem off at the pass, letting us know what we

can do to step away from the screen. He lays out the options we have address this problem before it truly consumes us. After all, who among us hasn’t felt the terrible compulsive power of social media, video games, or simply checking your phone? 作者簡介   Adam Alter is an Associate Professor at New

York University's Stern School of Business, and holds an affiliated appointment within the Psychology Department. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel and Behave and has written for The New York Times, New Yorke

r, Atlantic, Wired, Popular Science and numerous other publications.


為了解決Scrolling phone的問題,作者余亮言 這樣論述:


極限,使用者也無法看清楚滑動中顯示的畫面。基於此特性,本設計嘗試在滑動時根據滑動速度來降低渲染解析度和顯示幀率。簡言之,本設計在高速滑動時會進行較大幅度顯示品質調降;低速滑動時則進行小幅度的品質調降來維持使用者體驗。最後我們在一部市面上可見的智慧型手機Google Pixel 4 XL實作我們的設計,以驗證設計的效果和評估省電效能。我們在四個常用的應用程式上進行實驗評估。最終實驗結果顯示我們的設計可以在運行這四個應用程式時達到12到26%的省電效果,同時還維持了一定的使用者體驗。