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Relevant documents的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦寫的 Educational Response, Inclusion and Empowerment for Sdgs in Emerging Economies: How Do Education Systems Contribute to Raising G 和的 Agreements for Arms Control: A Critical Survey都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

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這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立陽明交通大學 資訊科學與工程研究所 許騰尹所指導 王靖的 採用CUDA圖型處理器平行化改良5G軟體基地台之隨機存取通道流程 (2021),提出Relevant documents關鍵因素是什麼,來自於隨機存取通道、統一計算架構、圖型處理器、第五代行動通訊新無線標準、軟體基地台。

而第二篇論文輔英科技大學 護理系碩士班 張遠萍所指導 葉弄珠的 比較醫療職場及非醫療職場更年期婦女之心跳變異速率、更年期症狀及睡眠品質之差異 (2021),提出因為有 醫療職場、非醫療職場、更年期婦女、心跳變異速率、更年期症狀、睡眠品質的重點而找出了 Relevant documents的解答。

最後網站Supporting documents | University of Leeds則補充:Find out which supporting documents you need to upload with your exchange or study abroad online application form.


除了Relevant documents,大家也想知道這些:

Educational Response, Inclusion and Empowerment for Sdgs in Emerging Economies: How Do Education Systems Contribute to Raising G

為了解決Relevant documents的問題,作者 這樣論述:

SectionI. Policy.- Chapter1. Key Elements of Education for Sustainable Development in Turkey’s Education: An Analysis of Policy Documents.- Chapter2. Reimagining Education for Climate Action and Resilience: A Multidimensional and Locally-grounded Approach in Mexican States of Chiapas and Yucatán.

- Chapter3. Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Education Systems in view of Sustainable Development Goals: A Case from Kenya.- Chapter4. Egypt’s 2030 Vision: Priority Areas for Egyptian Education for Global Citizenship.- SectionII. Curriculum.- Chapter5. Looking for a Better Future

or ’Global Washing’? Reconstruction of Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development in Polish National Curriculum.- Chapter6. Education for Sustainable Development through Curricular Themes of Environmental Knowledge: An Analysis on Vietnam’s Biology Curriculum.- Chapter7. Global Citizenship in a

National Curriculum: The Case of Pakistan’s Single National Curriculum.- Chapter8. Integrating Education for Sustainable Development into a Local Formal Kindergarten Curriculum: A Curricular Practice from China.- SectionIII. Practice.- Chapter9. Creating a safe, free and equal world for our childre

n: Think Equal - a Holistic Early Years Programme.- Chapter10. Building Global Competence in Pre-school Settings: One World - a Global Citizenship Education Program in Guerrero, Mexico.- Chapter11. A Rational View on Irrational Outcomes: Influence of an Intercultural Collaborative Program on Indian

Students’ Perspectives.- Chapter12. Environmental Education Networks for Social Empowerment and Global Citizenship: A Case of Non-formal Education from Mexico.- Chapter13. Incorporating Education for Sustainable Development into Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development through Critical Environm

ental Agency.- SectionIV. Perspectives.- Chapter14. Hungarian secondary school teachers’ views on global competence development in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classrooms.- Chapter15. Promoting and Sustaining Global Citizenship Through Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Cultural Liberation Peda


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為了解決Relevant documents的問題,作者王靖 這樣論述:

隨著5G逐漸於全球開始商轉,越來越多企業發現其中商機並相繼開發相關應用與服務,例如:無人機、物聯網、邊緣運算等,然而這些應用都需要基地台為其傳遞訊號才能正確運作,因此基地台本身的穩定與效能將是這一切的基礎。本論文即提出一改善方法以提升原基地台本身之運算效率使其能夠更穩定的提供服務。無線行動網路近年快速發展,於是有軟體化基地台(Software-defined Radio, SDR)的概念被提出並運行提供服務,此概念即透過編寫軟體程式提供傳統基地台之服務,以應付行動網路技術規格之快速發展與變遷。本論文在此基礎之上針對基地台中提供使用者註冊接入網路與使用者裝置同步服務的隨機存取通道(Random

Access Channel, RACH)流程,討論其傳統實作方法並提出一改善效率之方法與流程架構。本論文將研究使用圖型處理器(Graphics Processing Unit, GPU)加速平行RACH 流程上的運算,並修改運算流程與方法使之更適合運行於GPU。透過本論文提出的架構設計,基地台的模擬測試運算執行時間可調降至大約原本的10%~50%。本論文的架構亦提供彈性化設計,因此可一次處理多基地台接收之訊號,且由於本研究將所有運算拆開至不同運算單元上平行運算,所以即使需要處理的訊號增加,總處理時間也不會有太大的差異。藉此研究,軟體基地台運行時將能有更多閒餘的效能維持整體性之效能與穩定或是


Agreements for Arms Control: A Critical Survey

為了解決Relevant documents的問題,作者 這樣論述:

Originally published in 1982, this is the most comprehensive handbook on arms control ever published. It contains an analysis of the bilateral and multilateral agreements reached since World War II. An assessment is made of the extent to which each agreement has affected the arms race, reduced th

e likelihood of war or otherwise contributed to the overall goal of disarmament. Ongoing arms control negotiations are also analyzed.The complex problem of verification of compliance with arms control obligations is critically examined, and the shortcomings of the existing arrangements are pointed o

ut.The critique is searching, objective and free of the usual biases of official government reports.The analysis of the arms control agreements is preceded by an historical overview, beginning with the Hague Peace Conferences, held at the turn of this century, through the League of Nations’ attempts

to bring about a universal reduction of armaments, to the activities of the United Nations in the field of arms regulation and general disarmament. The present arms control negotiating machinery is described.The texts of the relevant documents are reproduced for handy reference and the status of th

e implementation of the most important multilateral arms control agreements is presented in tabular form. Tables and figures facilitate the reading.


為了解決Relevant documents的問題,作者葉弄珠 這樣論述:

醫療職場被視為高壓力與高負荷之工作環境,且因輪班工作特性,致使醫療人員的更年期症狀、睡眠障礙及自律神經失調問題更加惡化。因此,本研究目的在瞭解醫療職場婦女之更年期症狀、睡眠品質和心跳變異速率受影響情形。本研究採橫斷面研究設計,針對台灣南部某醫學中心從事醫療及非醫療工作之40至60歲女性進行不記名網路問卷及HRV生理指標蒐集,共收案510人,最後所得有效資料共計462人(醫療職場187人,非醫療職場275人),有效樣本回收率為90.6%。以SPSS 24.0統計軟體進行資料分析,研究結果顯示更年期症狀對睡眠品質具有正向顯著關連性及影響力(p < .001),代表更年期症狀越嚴重者其睡眠品質就越

差。兩組在HRV參數SDNN、LF及TP呈現負向顯著差異(p < .05),顯示醫療職場會顯著影響更年期婦女自律神經活性及交感神經調控功能。此研究結果期望能提供醫療職場管理者作為擬定相關人力資源管理及職業安全衛生政策之參考依據,營造一個友善幸福職場,減少更年期職業婦女工作壓力,以提高其工作效能和工作滿意度,並且建置暢通的溝通交流管道,適時給予員工關懷支持及進行個別身心健康管理。