literary creation ex的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們挖掘到下列精選懶人包

literary creation ex的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Karashima, David寫的 Who We’’re Reading When We’’re Reading Murakami 和Vásquez, Juan Gabriel的 El ruido de las cosas al caer / The Sound of Things Falling都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

靜宜大學 寰宇管理碩士學位學程 何淑熏 所指導 何芬格的 在 B2B 銷售,追求有效的感官行銷策略 (2021),提出literary creation ex關鍵因素是什麼,來自於。

而第二篇論文文藻外語大學 翻譯系碩士班 謝志賢所指導 洪庭蓮的 以翻譯生成學探析《單車失竊記》英譯本之翻譯與編輯實務 (2021),提出因為有 《單車失竊記》、The Stolen Bicycle、多語性、翻譯生成學、編輯實務的重點而找出了 literary creation ex的解答。


除了literary creation ex,大家也想知道這些:

Who We’’re Reading When We’’re Reading Murakami

為了解決literary creation ex的問題,作者Karashima, David 這樣論述:

How did a loner destined for a niche domestic audience become one of the most famous writers alive? A rare look inside the making of the "Murakami Industry"--and a thought-provoking exploration of the role of translators and editors in the creation of global literary culture.Thirty years ago, when H

aruki Murakami's works were first being translated, they were part of a series of pocket-sized English-learning guides released only in Japan. Today his books are in fifty languages and have won prizes and sold millions of copies globally. How did a loner destined for a niche domestic audience becom

e one of the most famous writers alive? This book tells one key part of the story. Its cast includes an expat trained in art history who never intended to become a translator; a Chinese-American ex-academic who never planned to work as an editor; and other publishing professionals in New York, Londo

n, and Tokyo who together introduced an understated, pop-inflected, unexpected Japanese voice to the wider literary world.David Karashima synthesizes research, correspondence, and interviews with dozens of individuals--including Murakami himself--to examine how countless behind-the-scenes choices ov

er the course of many years worked to build an internationally celebrated author's persona and oeuvre. He looks beyond the "Murakami Industry" toward larger questions: How active a role should translators and editors play in framing their writers' texts? What does it mean to translate and edit "for

a market"? How does Japanese culture get packaged and exported for the West? David Karashima has translated a range of contemporary Japanese authors into English, including Hitomi Kanehara, Hisaki Matsuura, and Shinji Ishi. He co-edited the anthology March Was Made of Yarn: Writers Respond to the

Japanese Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Meltdown and is co-editor of Pushkin Press’s Contemporary Japanese Novellas series and Stranger Press’s Keshiki Series. He is an associate professor of creative writing at Waseda University in Tokyo.

在 B2B 銷售,追求有效的感官行銷策略

為了解決literary creation ex的問題,作者何芬格 這樣論述:

Especially in times like these where tried and tested methods are often no longer applicable, it is crucial to differentiate a company from the competition. Based on the brand identity, this can be solved uniquely. In order to be successful in the future, a deeper understanding of sensory marketing

and its application is crucial.This scientific work aims to better understand sensory marketing and its influence on the purchase decision process in the business-to-business sector.This master thesis is based on a fundamental theoretical information search that revolves around sensory marketing, t

he purchase decision process and brand management in the B2B area. In order to verify the literary results, it was decided to conduct primary research. This research was based on thirteen interviews with business experts who have already gained experience in marketing and brand management. This scie

ntific work includes sen- sory marketing strategies and the impact on the purchase decision process. Furthermore, one of the aims was to find out the most effective sensory marketing strategy and phase the best effect.The research results showed that sensory marketing plays a significant role in the

B2C and B2B sectors. Furthermore, the purchase decision can be significantly influenced by it. Es- pecially emotions play an essential role in the business-to-business area and can be influ- enced by sensory marketing. Last but not least, the employees and their attitude play a decisive role when i

t comes to the success of sensory marketing.Both the literature research and the empirical part have shown that a multi-sensory ap- proach is the best choice to influence the customer and bind him to the company uncon- sciously. In addition, a company can differentiate itself in the long term. The h

olistic view of brand management plays a significant role here in particular. Based on the brand's identity, sensory marketing can positively influence the long-term success of a company.

El ruido de las cosas al caer / The Sound of Things Falling

為了解決literary creation ex的問題,作者Vásquez, Juan Gabriel 這樣論述:

La ex tica fuga y posterior caza de un hipop tamo, ltimo vestigio del imposible zool gico con el que Pablo Escobar exhib a su poder, es la chispa que arranca los mecanismos de la memoria de Antonio Yammara, protagonista y narrador de El ruido de las cosas al caer, un negro balance de una poca de t

error y violencia, en una Bogot descrita como un territorio literario lleno de significaciones. En 1995, Antonio conoce al intrigante Ricardo Laverde, quien ha pasado veinte a os en la c rcel. Laverde, de quien se sabe que fue piloto, forma parte de la parroquia de unos billares donde Yammara, jove

n profesor universitario de Derecho, consume el ocio de su ltima juventud. Entre los dos se fraguar una estrecha amistad, y Antonio, que pasa por la vida desdibujado por la duda, creer ver en la experiencia torturada de su amigo un aviso. Antonio intentar comprender a la generaci n de Laverde (l

a de sus padres, en definitiva, con sus historias de amor), para valorar el grado de inocencia y de complicidad que les corresponde en la creaci n de un clima social dominado por la corrupci n, el caos y la violencia. El filtro de la memoria permite realizar un recorrido palpitante por la historia r

eciente de Colombia, recuperando a personajes atractivos y complejos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONThe exotic escape and subsequent capture of a hippopotamus--the final remnant of the incongruous zoo Pablo Escobar used to flaunt his power--is the spark that activates the mechanisms of Antonio Yammara's memory

, protagonist and narrator of El ruido de las cosas al caer--a dark balance from a time of terror and violence, set in a Bogota painted as a region full of literary significance. In 1995, Antonio meets the intriguing Ricardo Laverde, a man who has served a 20-year sentence. Laverde, an acknowledged

pilot, is part of the group that gathers at the pool hall where Yammara, a young university Law professor, burns what is left of his youth. The two men become fast friends, to the point where Antonio, whose life has always been full of doubts, affirms that a warning hides within his friend's tortuou

s experience.Antonio will try to understand Laverde's generation (which is also his parent's, with all its love stories), to evaluate their share of innocence and complicity in the creation of a society dominated by corruption, chaos and violence. Yammara's memory takes us on a vibrant journey throu

gh Colombia's recent history, bringing back attractive and complex characters. Juan Gabriel Vásquez (Bogotá, 1973) es autor de la colección de relatos Los amantes de Todos los Santos y de las novelas Los informantes, Historia secreta de Costaguana, El ruido de las cosas al caer, Las reputaciones y

La forma de las ruinas. Ha publicado también una recopilación de ensayos literarios, El arte de la distorsión, y una breve biografía de Joseph Conrad, El hombre de ninguna parte. Sus libros se publican actualmente en veintiocho lenguas y han merecido, entre otros, el Premio Alfaguara, el English Pe

n Award, el Premio Gregor von Rezzori-Città di Firenze, el IMPAC International Dublin Literary Award, el Premio Real Academia Española, el Premio Casa de Amèrica Latina de Lisboa y el Premio Roger Caillois por el conjunto de su obra, otorgado anteriormente a escritores como Mario Vargas Llosa, Carlo

s Fuentes y Ricardo Piglia. Ha traducido obras de Joseph Conrad y Victor Hugo, entre otros, y en 2016 fue nombrado Caballero de la Orden de las Artes y las Letras de la República francesa.


為了解決literary creation ex的問題,作者洪庭蓮 這樣論述:

近年來台灣文學外譯表現成績亮眼,臺灣中生代作家吳明益的作品屢受國內外獎項肯定,其中《單車失竊記》英譯本The Stolen Bicycle於2018年入圍布克國際獎長名單,為臺灣文學外譯開拓新的里程碑。尤其《單車失竊記》涉及多語書寫:中文、台語、日語、鄒族語,加上其故事背景橫跨台灣戰前、戰後歷史以及單車發展史等主題,如何譯介本土元素至英語閱讀市場,是翻譯的一大挑戰。然而目前探究《單車失竊記》英譯本之論文皆以最終出版品為譯文依據,評斷譯作的良窳。但翻譯過程並非只有譯者參與,外在的人事物亦大幅影響譯本的生成,因此本論文取得譯者石岱崙的同意,取得上百份出版前譯稿檔案,欲以新興的翻譯生成學——源自文
